Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Let It Begin!

It has begun...the school year...

Striving to stay awake in class, swallowing extreme dislike for students who raise their hands and make comments every 5 minutes (come on! The professor knows a lot more about his or her subject than you, so can you please just let him or her teach us what they know?! We don't care about your weird stories, endless questions, or your ignorant opinion!), studying for hours, losing myself in historical archives, and knowing that I will always have a mountain of more reading to do...even when I think I'm caught up!

I'm only taking thirteen credits this semester - which doesn't seem like a lot, but I am going to be BUSY!  Senior thesis (I'm actually really excited for this because I love historical research, but also extremely nervous because it's going to take up a lot of my time!), being an undergraduate teaching fellow for an American history class (which I'm also excited about!), working part-time, taking an archaeology lab, and trying to stay on top of my other classes!  Oh...and I'm looking at grad schools and getting ready to take the GRE soon!

I have also started a new job at the rec center here.  I will be working the front desk.  I'm happy about this job, but there's a lot to learn.  Sometimes I wonder if my brain can hold all of this information inside of it!  :)

So bring on the late night studies, the extreme fatigue, the endless stress, and the beautiful joy of learning!

*Good Book: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about the stupid questions/comments! I used to hate that in the Ednet room. Good luck with all of your semester adventures! YOU CAN DO IT!!!
