Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A Word on Moving

Moving...oh the joy!

So I'm only moving across the street from where I was living this past year, but I have mixed feelings about moving.  On the one hand, there's all the cleaning I had to do to get out of the one place.  And realizing that I have accumulated far too many things that I do not need!  (I was really surprised to see how many books I had in my tiny apartment - with many big fat ones on the Civil War!)  There is also the nervousness of new roommates...are they going to be nice? Weird? Crazy? Messy?!  (Good thing my best friend Brittany is still going to be my roommate - at least for this year!!)

On the other hand, there is the opportunity to discover how much I have that I don't need and then get rid of said things.  And the excitement of new people and new opportunities!  And getting organized!  And planning on keeping everything organized!  I set this goal every couple of months and it usually only lasts for a few days!  :/

So with that said, I get to move in to my new apartment today.  Bring on the new ward, the new people, and the new memories!!

*Good Song: I Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz
*Good Book: Time Enough for Drums by Ann Rinaldi

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your new apartment and new ward and new year!!!

    Love, Jeanette
