Wednesday, May 7, 2014

How Pizza Ruined My Life

Okay let's talk about how pizza destroyed my life for a second.

So my sister Hollie was over yesterday. We were having leftovers for dinner, and I decided to have a leftover piece of pizza. It was a slightly healthy pizza, with thin crust, chicken, spinach, and tomato. I was enjoying life when I bit down on my pizza. A shot of pain went through one of my upper teeth as I realized that I'd bitten something hard. I had to take a look at the damage, because it felt like I'd at least chipped my tooth.

To my horror, the back side of my tooth was wiggling and loose.


I broke my tooth on a piece of pizza?!

And of course this all happened at 6:30 p.m., after all dentists have gone home.

Josh still made a valiant effort for me, calling to see if there was any way to get me some help. The earliest we could get in was early this morning to see an oral surgeon.

Yep, I cracked my tooth almost down to the gum. The surgeon broke off the back part that turned out to be a cavity. He suggested I try and save it by going to a dentist.

So a dentist was nice enough to look at it for me today. Yep, a cavity was attacking between my two teeth and eating away my cracked tooth. The dentist told me I probably wouldn't have known about it until it cracked. So there's that. He said it's questionable whether they'll be able to save it or not. He'd have to do a root canal and if it's saveable, he'll put a post and a crown on it.

If not, they'll have to pull it and put in an implant.

No matter how I look at it, both options sound absolutely terrible! I'm only 25! I shouldn't have a fake tooth already!

So right now I have a temporary filling until my root canal on Monday. Let's hope it stays in.

My dear husband, having to put up with all my dramatic whining.

I pretty much hate going to the dentist. Probably more than most things. I brush and floss my teeth regularly I promise! :)

So there ya go! I broke my tooth eating pizza.

The moral of the story is to avoid pizza and never trust any food because it could seriously injure you it should be "go to the dentist and make sure you don't have any soul-killing cavities to ruin your life." Or you might end up looking like a hillbilly with no teeth...or having to get dentures... :(

*Good Singer/Songwriter: Emily Hearn

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