Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Old Records

I know that I've made it blatantly apparent that I have a passion for history.

So here's another post about how much I love the past!  And people!

We were having an indexing party last night for home evening, complete with pizza, great friends, and delicious treats.  (For those of you who don't know, indexing is digitizing old records to be used in genealogical research and such!) 

I just get so excited at looking at images of original records!  There is just something about looking at a record that was written by a person over a hundred years ago! They're not here anymore, but that record is!  And it gives us a little peek into their lives!

Some of the records I was working on were old pension records for retired United States soldiers.  I got so excited at one point because one of the records I was doing was a pension record for somebody who had served in the Colored Infantry.  Since I'm doing my research on Colored Infantry, it made me really excited!  (Sorry I keep using the word excited - but that's just how I feel!)

I love being able to help make that information more available for people to use!  I just wish that I could help digitize a lot more records - like diaries and letters and such!  How incredible would that be?!  When you look into other peoples' lives by what they leave behind, you learn more about how incredible human beings really are!!

*Good Song: What the Water Gave Me by Florence + the Machine
*Good Movie:  Tangled  (Love it!!)

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