Monday, October 15, 2012

Spielberg's Lincoln!!!

I cannot wait for November 16th!

What is so special about this specific date you might ask?

Well, I will tell you.  It is the day that the movie "Lincoln" (directed by Steven Spielberg!) comes out in theaters.  Why am I so excited for this movie?

Because I love love love historical films...when they're done well.  And Abraham Lincoln happens to be my favorite U.S. President!  The trailer gives a peak into the movie and I see African American soldiers in there.  And since I'm writing my senior thesis paper on African American soldiers in the Civil War, I'm excited to see them get some attention on the big screen (even if they're not the main focus of the movie).  The cinematography looks amazing!  So if this movie ends up being a dud, I will be devastated!

Until then, I will be counting down the days until I can see the movie!!


  1. I don't know yet! It comes out next month! But I will be sure to let everyone know if it's a good one!

  2. Duh. I just looked at the number, not the month! :-)
