Monday, November 12, 2012

Making Life Decisions!

I had a little bit of an emotional weekend!

Don't wasn't anything too dramatic.  Well, for me it was a little bit, but it has a happy ending!

Today was registration for Spring semester day!  I was all excited this last week, looking at which classes to take for my last semester of undergraduate work.  But then I discovered something that could change my fate forever!  (Okay, well change the next year of my life anyway).  I need a Quantitative Intensive class to graduate.  In looking at the course descriptions, I realized that all of them have Math 1050 as a prerequisite.

I've taken Math 1050!  What's the problem?!

I took Math 1050 over 6 years ago...that's the problem!  And for some reason, schools like to have you all caught up on your math classes and make sure that you took them like last year.  Why?!  I don't know!  I feel like there are other classes that are more important to be caught up on than math classes.

So I've been freaking out all weekend thinking that I wouldn't be able to graduate.  On top of that, I would have to take the Math Placement Exam which would not go very well.  Did you see that number for how many years it's been?!  Six...yeah six!  So that means I don't remember anything!  Which probably means that they would put me back in like Math 990 or something...This whole situation was just beginning to look worse and worse by the second!

But no fear, my friends!  I stayed up til midnight last night to register for classes and guess what?!  I got registered for a QI class!  That's right!  I'm taking it and I am graduating in May!  Bam!  Who needs math anyway?!

On the other hand, I'm starting to consider teaching seminary as a career option.  (In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we have a seminary program for youth in high school to take religion classes in conjunction with their high school classes).  That would be pretty fun right?  Maybe...?  :)


  1. Those 'little' (or huge) tests kind of get to you, eh. You would be a great Seminary teacher! Good luck with all of r your 'deciding' and EVERYTHING.

  2. Take the "Teaching Seminary" class with me! 7:00 in the morning... =P
