Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fall Break!!

So Fall Break starts this weekend...we get Friday off. And pretty much Thursday too because most of my classes are cancelled. Happy Day!! But terrible of all terribleness...I have a test on Monday!! Why would anyone give you a test the day after Fall Break? It just seems cruel. Because that's what I love doing during my holiday...studying. At least give us a day...Wednesday, why can't we just have the test a class later? I'll study on Monday and Tuesday. Some people like to ruin everybody else's lives! That's the conclusion that I have come to.

And what the heck? It looks warm outside...but it's NOT! I go to bask in the sun and then an icy wind blasts me in the face. Good thing for warm jackets. I think I just feel like complaining today because I didn't go to bed early and now I don't feel very good. Haha. My own fault...that's what I get for getting distracted by like everything.

*Good Song: "Olive You" by Dave Days.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for fall break boo for test, USU needs to make that a policy! haha
